Who am I
Hello! My name is Manuel Muñoz Aguirre. I am a PhD candidate in Statistics and Operations Research, at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and doing my thesis work at the Computational Biology of RNA Processing Lab with the supervision of Dr. Roderic Guigó and Dr. Jan Graffelman.
I’m all about generating knowledge from data to solve interdisciplinary problems and being able to communicate a compelling story. Interested in several research areas of data mining and machine learning, in particular, regularization/feature selection, latent variable models, kernels and high-dimensional statistical learning. I am also a fan of the Final Fantasy and Zelda series :) and an amateur photographer.
Cybernetics Electronics engineer, with a double degree in Mechatronics. Master in Data Science and Knowledge Management. I use R for quick exploratory analyses (dplyr, data.table, ggplot2, caret) and Python for heavy duty machine learning/data processing (scikit-learn, pandas, keras) tasks. Check out my github profile for some examples, and my LinkedIn profile for a detailed list of skills.
Feel free to drop me a line.